Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A return to spinning

For the first time since the Napa craft fair, I have actually felt like spinning. My great uncle has a farm and gave me a huge bag of wool last month. They have three sheep and this was the fleece from one. I was so incredibly thrilled to get it, as you can imagine! My grandmother was less than thrilled. It had been sitting in her garage for a few weeks, until I could get down to pick it up. Warebeast and I went down for a friend's wedding and stopped to visit and woolgather. After my grandma fed him as much as she could, Warebeast had to stuff this trash bag full of raw wool into our trunk and we drove 6 hours back home. I've been giving the wool a daily bath, a third at a time. The first third is clean and carded, which is a story in itself. A story involving my non spinning friend fixing my drum carder, which cut the prep time into a fraction of what it was.
I have the whole house to myself this week. Freya, the Boy, and Warebeast all being at BurningMan. I had a pajama day, my own private craft day, and after knitting most of the day, looked back at the bag of batts that had been staring at me for most of the day, and spun two batts. I am loving the way it is spinning up and am glad to have the urge to spin after that intense prep work for the Napa show.

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